He added dauntless heros, beautiful maidens, evil villains and fearful monsters?all the ingredients necessary for a series of thrilling adventures on any world!Featuring over two dozen illustrations, including maps of the North and South Poles of Barsoom, as well as of the planet's Western and Eastern Hemispheres?AND IT'S ALL HERE IN THE ONLY OFFICIAL GUIDE TO BARSOOMCONTENTS: Introduction to the 2012 by Mike ResnickIntroductionI ? A Brief History of Pre-Carter BarsoomII ? A Geography of Barsoom, Including a Gazetteer-Index and Hemispheric and Polar Maps of Its SurfaceIII ? A Biography of Barsoom, Including a Dictionary of People, Past and Present, Whose Names Appear in the Barsoomian SagasIV ? The Flora and Fauna of Barsoom, Including a Dictionary of Barsoomian Plants and AnimalsV Measurements ? on Barsoom?Linear, Time, Monetary?and a List of Barsoomian NumbersVI ? The Language, Religions, and Customs of BarsoomVII ? A General Barsoomian Glossary: Terms, Titles, Organizations, Games, Weapons, Buildings, Streets, Etc.VIII ? Quotations, Proverbs, and Expletives?From the Rich Heritage of Barsoom and the Pen of John CarterIX ? Barsoomian Science and InventionX Through ? Space to Barsoom?XI ? "Edgar Rice Burroughs": A Brief Biographical SketchAcknowledgments and SourcesFrom the AuthorILLUSTRATIONS: The Avenue of Quays in AaanthorPlant MenThe Atmosphere PlantThe Zitidar (above) and the Thoat (below)Maps of the North and South Poles of Barsoom, as well as of the planet's Western and Eastern HemispheresA Green ManThe Game of YanoA Calot (Barsoomian Watchdog) and His Red Man MasterAn Orovar HelmetA Jetan Piece: ThoatA Jetan Piece: Warrior, or ThanThe Banth, or Barsoomian LionMan-FlowersArtists Conception of the Barsoomian Table of Linear MeasurementTwo Barsoomian Watches and a Barsoomian ClockA Sith and Its Unidentified VictimA White ApeThe Palace of Peace in PtarthA Torch of HorzThe Pit of Plenty in KadabraThe Ulsio, Martian RatA Calot TreeAn Apt vs. He gave Mars a history, several phases of civilization and an assortment of religions. he peopled the planet with four different human races and one semihuman. Burroughs created a world of dead seabeds, towering mountains, polar ice caps, underground rivers. the story of life and death, romance and tragedy on the Red Planet is undoubtedly one of the greatest series of all time. His account of fifteen-foot green men, eight-legged beasts, oviparous females, and swordswinging red men was an immediate success.And the public clamored for more.Over a period of thirty years, Burroughs wrote ten Martian tales. AND ENJOY THE WONDERS OF ERB'S MARSWhen Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) wrote "Dejah Thoris, A Princess of Mars," in 1911, he had no idea that he was opening a new era in the science fiction field. Please see our Terms & Conditions for more details.THE OFFICIAL, DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO BARSOOM AND THE WORLD OF JOHN CARTER OF MARS**Fully Illustrated**COME TO BARSOOM. Simply send us a mail using quoting your order number and your problem and we'll be in touch to help. Books and PDF's are not generally subject to export or import restrictions, but it is up to the customer to pay any local taxes or custom duties if charged. If you wish to return a product once you have received it, you will have to pay to return it to us, once it's received and verified in same condition it was purchased then a refund can be made. Physical orders can be cancelled and refunded before they are shipped, but if the product includes downloadable content, the cost of the PDF version will be deducted from the value of the refund. We will require photographic evidence of the damage. We will replace damaged products free of charge, or you can have a refund. If you have a problem with your order we will do everything we can to sort it out for you.